ILWU Members save money with Union’s Group Medical


ILWU member Belma Raguindin is smiling because she will save hundreds of dollars every month with the savings from Local 1000 non-profit Group Medical Plan

Many caregivers in Hawaii are burdened with paying for health insurance costs.  As we get older health insurance becomes more and more expensive due to growing medical issues and thus higher use of the insurance policies.  Caregivers who work independently have no employer to share the cost of monthly premiums for health insurance and must pay the full cost on their own, until age 65 when they become eligible for Medicare.

ILWU Local 1000 has been able to negotiate a cheaper group rate for Caregivers with high medical insurance costs.  These savings can be in the hundreds of dollars every month and it could make a big difference in financial stability in the golden years of retirement.

ILWU "Platinum" Medical/Dental Plans and Prices can be viewed at:

ILWU Local 1000 members are licensed caregivers for CCFFH, ARCH,  EARCH, or DD/ID home operators in Hawaii.


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