ILWU is Platinum Sponsor to Caregiver Recognition Day Ball

ILWU is Platinum Sponsor to Caregiver Recognition Day Ball in Hawaii 2022

In 2022, the Hawaii State Legislature honored the Caregivers in Hawaii with a resolution to make a special day to recognize Caregivers.  A formal ball was organized by APPCA and UGHO (Caregiver associations) to recognize Caregivers' Day (CRD) and their decades long commitment to providing quality community based residential housing and care to the elderly, disabled, and disadvantaged people.  

The CRD Ball received a Platinum sponsorship from the ILWU to honor its new members and charter, ILWU Local 1000.  ILWU Local 1000 is a union local created exclusively for caregivers of Community Care Foster Family Homes, Adult Residential Care Homes (ARCH), Expanded ARCH, and Developmentally Disadvantaged Homes in Hawaii.

Dancing ensued at the CRD Ball at the Ala Moana Hotel (2022).  This dance group is led by State House Representative Rose Martinez.

State Senator Bennette Misalucha presents Hawaii Legislature Caregiver Recognition Day awards to Caregivers

ILWU Local 1000 members must be licensed caregivers for CCFFH, ARCH,  EARCH, or DD/ID home operators in Hawaii.


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