
Showing posts from July, 2023

ILWU Members save money with Union’s Group Medical

  ILWU member Belma Raguindin is smiling because she will save hundreds of dollars every month with the savings from Local 1000 non-profit Group Medical Plan Many caregivers in Hawaii are burdened with paying for health insurance costs.  As we get older health insurance becomes more and more expensive due to growing medical issues and thus higher use of the insurance policies.  Caregivers who work independently have no employer to share the cost of monthly premiums for health insurance and must pay the full cost on their own, until age 65 when they become eligible for Medicare. ILWU Local 1000 has been able to negotiate a cheaper group rate for Caregivers with high medical insurance costs.  These savings can be in the hundreds of dollars every month and it could make a big difference in financial stability in the golden years of retirement. ILWU "Platinum" Medical/Dental Plans and Prices can be viewed at:

ILWU Group “Platinum” Medical and Dental Plans are here!

 Prices shown above reflect a 10% discount from the original offer from HMSA and Kaiser Permanente. ILWU Local 1000 presents the non-profit prices for "Platinum" health insurance plans Caregivers who want to get the coverage must be ILWU Local 1000 members in good standing, complete all paperwork, and submit payments in full as required. Membership applications can be found in this website's post entitled "Membership Benefits" or contact the ILWU at 808-799-4451. ILWU Local 1000 members are licensed caregivers for CCFFH, ARCH,  EARCH, or DD/ID home operators in Hawaii. ILWU members smile as they save $$$'s with ILWU group plan

ILWU Local 1000 is the union for CCFFH, ARCH, and DDDom Home Operators in Hawaii

  ILWU Local 1000 members are licensed caregivers for CCFFH, ARCH,  EARCH, or DD/ID home operators in Hawaii.   To apply for membership, please see Membership application (below):

ILWU is Platinum Sponsor to Caregiver Recognition Day Ball

ILWU is Platinum Sponsor to Caregiver Recognition Day Ball in Hawaii 2022 In 2022, the Hawaii State Legislature honored the Caregivers in Hawaii with a resolution to make a special day to recognize Caregivers.  A formal ball was organized by APPCA and UGHO (Caregiver associations) to recognize Caregivers' Day (CRD) and their decades long commitment to providing quality community based residential housing and care to the elderly, disabled, and disadvantaged people.   The CRD Ball received a Platinum sponsorship from the ILWU to honor its new members and charter, ILWU Local 1000.  ILWU Local 1000 is a union local created exclusively for caregivers of Community Care Foster Family Homes, Adult Residential Care Homes (ARCH), Expanded ARCH, and Developmentally Disadvantaged Homes in Hawaii. Dancing ensued at the CRD Ball at the Ala Moana Hotel (2022).  This dance group is led by State House Representative Rose Martinez. State Senator Bennette Misalucha presents Hawaii Legislature Caregiv

Bills Supported by ILWU are Approved by Senate Ways and Means committee

ILWU Local 1000 Political Action ILWU Local 1000 officers, trustees and members attended several committee meetings to support bills that would improve pay and work conditions for Caregivers.  At least Two bills supported by the ILWU that would help Caregivers were approved by all committees. On the last day to consider bills before becoming a law, the House Representative in charge of the bills failed to include a money appropriation in the bills, and the bills that would help Caregivers died. The ILWU Local 1000 will renew its efforts to help Caregivers both in the next Legislative session and directly with the Dept. of Heath and Dept. of Human Services. ILWU Local 1000 members are licensed caregivers for CCFFH, ARCH,  EARCH, or DD/ID home operators in Hawaii.

ILWU Lobbies for Improvements for Licensed Caregivers in Hawaii

ILWU has 6 Bills submitted to help Caregivers After forming the Caregivers Union, ILWU Local 1000, the elected officers and trustees worked with ILWU representatives to understand, research, and formulate proposals for bills that would help Caregivers receive improvements to pay, working conditions, and regulation of their services to the community and State. Working with elected members of the Hawaii legislature, ILWU had several bills introduced at the 2023 Hawaii State Legislative Session.  Other versions of the bills were also submitted on behalf of the ILWU and Caregivers.   To support the bills, ILWU Local 1000 collected hundreds of letters supporting the bills and submitted them to the various committees of the Legislature that were in charge of vetting and approving the bills that would help Caregivers. Through the course of the hearings it became clear that some of issues that some bills addressed would be better if handled directly between the ILWU and the Dept. of Health and